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25 april 2012  | Dirk Van Heuven

Publius (opnieuw) aanbevolen door Chambers 2012

Voor de vierde maal op rij wordt Publius aangeprezen in Chambers als specialist in publiek recht:

"This dedicated public, administrative and environmental law boutique has grown considerably over the past year and now boasts an 11-strong team. The team handles important legislation work for the Flemish and federal authorities, especially those in the infrastructure sector. A recent mandate saw the team assist AG Stadsplanning with the large 'Masterplan 2020' infrastructure project in Antwerp. Sources are quick to highlight the firm excellent value for money. Sources say: Highly specialised in the public law arena"

En daarmee zitten we volgens Chambers in de top 10 van publiekrechtelijke specialisten.

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